Friday, March 14, 2008


Here's a conversation I heard on the metro today. I was sitting in front of two females:

"She pregnant."

"Who with?"


"Coco? I done him once but I'se on a break wit my guy. It don't count if you on a break do it?"

"Yeah it do 'cause you got the strings and all."

"Ah, we ain't got strings. Maybe thread. No a piece a hair."

"He got a new girl now. She ugly as sh*#, too. Talks Spanish all the time"

"Umm, umm."

When the train stopped and I got up to disembark, I looked back to see who I was eavesdropping on -- two cute girls, probably 13 or so. My have things have done changed since I'se a youngun!

1 comment:

Joni said...

That is funny! And where do you get your funny pics?