I have spent the last TWELVE days devoted to Kate. Getting the house ready for a weekend friend and running them all over. Taking Kate to the emergency room on Easter, followed by a day off work for follow up visits to doctors. I took four days off work to take Kate and three friends to NYC for two days, followed by a road trip to North Carolina and Virginia to look at colleges. We spent hours in North Carolina malls looking for a graduation dress. I spent Sunday and Monday trying figure out how we could possibly pay for Virginia Tech.
Last night Kate told me that Micheal's prom is this Saturday and she needed a dress. So I left work early and fought rush hour traffic and rain to take her to TEN (count them) stores. She could not find a single dress she liked. Not at Macy's. Not at Bloomingdale's. Not even at Lord and Taylor. So, I was exhausted and hungry and my gas light went on in heavy traffic on the beltway when Kate cranked up the radio and declared that she is the unluckiest person in the world. OMG!! Really? Did she just say that? I am officially exasperointed (a cross between exasperated and disappointed). If she is the unluckiest person in the world . . .well, you can only imagine where my thoughts go from there.
Let's see, when does her freshman year start?
16 years ago
Yay, your back! She sounds a lot like me. Can you believe that my mother paid for a prom dress to be specially made and took me across town to fittings, only to have me hate the dress and wear one that I borrowed from a friend?
Oh, BLESS YOU!!!!! I remember myself well at that age...I am amazed my mom didn't kick me out of the house! I'm serious! She did know exactly how many days left until I left for college though.
Just wait until Kate leaves for college though and calls you crying about how much she misses you!!!
BTW-is she ok? ER on Easter?!? That's horrible!
That is exactly how it is supposed to happen you know. They act so horribly their senior year you can't wait for them to leave! If it weren't so...we woudln't ever want them to leave. I want to know what you said when she said she was the unluckiest person in the world! Are you like me and thrashed out without thinking? Or were you able to hold your anger inside?
Let's see, shopping with my eldest? It finally got to the point that her father and I traded off on taking her shopping - she was so picky. I feel your pain. I think we have a couple of dresses here, but, judging by your experience, she probably wouldn't like them anyway.
I can get her a week at wilderness, just say the word! I feel like I'm already going through it with Marisa, she is 9! And, I'm not naive keep in mind I have worked with teenage girls for going on 15 years. For the most part I love them. I'm sorry. If it counts for anything, you are, in my world, the GREATEST mom I know. I am NOT just saying that.
Oh, and I want to know what you said too, I think I would instinctively slam on the breaks and who knows, what would have happened. LYG
For the record...I said all kinds of amazing things in my head, but I kept my mouth shut! I loved all of your comments! Denise, I would have totally killed you had you not worn the dress.
Pretty good that you kept your mouth closed...especially considering you are a BLACK and that doesn't occur all that often! (OR is it a HUNT quality?) Hmmm.
I love TeenRager - it's a great word.
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