Don't ever mess with the MVA gods -- you know, those ever so grumpy people who sit behind their desks at the Motor Vehicle Administration and determine if your three hour wait ends in a sigh of relief or a huge dose of frustration.
As I cleaned out the glove compartment in our 18 year old Honda, I came across the registration and realized it would expire this week. Knowing we'd be in Israel until the end of March and that Kate is just dying to drive, I thought I'd go on line and do a quick renewal. Haha. Not so fast. You see, John is still listed as the owner (I'm a mere a co-owner) and so they send the stickers to him. Well, he is MAD at me, and so it's not bloody likely he'd pass on the stickers to me once I paid the $138 reneewal feel.
Wanting to make sure I got all the pertinent information and wasted no time, I called the MVA to find out what to do. After a 15 minute wait, a real person answered and said that all although I couldn't make changes on line, I just needed to come in and tell the people at the MVA to use the address of the co-owner. Piece of cake! John also lost the title and so never gave it to me (as stated in our divorce agreement of 11 years ago) and so for just $20, I could also get a duplicate title.
Feeling organized and optimistic, I left work at 3 p.m. today and headed to the nearest MVA. I should have lost a bit of my sunny attitude when there were no parking spots, but undaunted, I carried on. I didn't lose my good attitude while waiting in a winding, ever ending line. I didn't lose hope as I sat for two and a half hours on tortuous metal chairs as number after number got called. FINALLY - I47 was being served at counter 2. Whooo hooo!
My spirits were crushed once the very serious and "I have no time for you, lady" attendant looked at me over her glasses. It didn't matter what the people on the phone told me; it didn't matter that I'd been in line for almost three hours; it didn't matter that it was now 5:35 and I was one of the few people sitting behind the locked doors of the MVA:
1. I can pay for the renewal ($138)
2. I cannot change the address; John has to come in and do it in person
3. I cannot get the title unless John signs it over and comes to the MVA in person.
I was seriously bummed, but knew it didnt' matter what I said to Ms. MVA. they are trained to have no feelings, to show no empathy, to be stone faced and immovable.
When I told Darryl about my woes, he glanced up and said, "You know, you shouldn't sweat it. We'll be lucky if the car lasts another year." Oh, yeah, I forgot that the car is two years older than it's new driver. DUH!
16 years ago
Sounds like your typical government agency, huh? Glenn Beck told a hilarious story about his experience at the MVA in Conneticut when he first moved there. Wow! I think a book could be written about all the people who have bad experiences.
Of course here in Oklahoma...we have very friendly MVA employees...heehee:)
Well, being the smart lady that you are, I am surprised that you fell for it. I wasn't even able to make a payment on a credit card that my husband and I share yestereday. I mean, I have one with my name on it so I can go buy stuff at the store, but actually give them money???? No way, I'm not the owner of the account, soooooooooooooooo.
I say you have that sweet, cute little girl of yours talk to daddy and get the stickers. How can he say no to her?
The other night when Don and I were drivin home in MY car (ha) a policeman pulled us over. "What the...." Don grumbled. "I wasn't doing anything wrong." "Good evening sir! Do you know why I pulled you over?" "I haven't the least idea." "Your car's registeration is 4 months overdue." "You've got to be kidding." "No, sir, I don't kid around....but I won't give you a ticket...just get down to the office tomorrow and get it registered." Whew! HOW did Don overlook the notification 4 months ago??? He can't believe it himself
John is John. There are not too many men in his particular spieces of the human race...I hope.
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