Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This Too Shall Pass

I am so glad I don't feel this way anymore, but "With Age" describes where I was in 1992. Those were dark years!

With Age

My panoramic view of life
collapsed into a Petri dish.
Where I once saw endless possibilities
I now see blockades, barriers, obstructions.

Where a myriad of colors once
danced across the horizon,
I now see ugly streaks in
shades of gray and brown.

Where I once saw glorious eternity
reigning in its splendor,
I now see only today as it clutches my
ankles and drags me down.

I once had an endless reservoir
of energy,
and now it seeps and oozes
through my blighted body.

Respite comes when splatterings
of illusions and fantasy
briefly cast dazzling colors
upon my bleak picture of reality.

Donna Franklin ‘92


Cindy said...

I think you are an amazing person to have left that dark, scary place and moved back to see all of the possiblities again.

Denise said...

I'm so glad that this is from 1992 and not now. I, too, have been there before but never able to articulate it in such a lovely way. I hope you are seeing the bright side of life now. I miss you.

Unknown said...

You are just amazing...what more can be said! An inspiration to us all. Love you, BFF!

Joni said...

I agree with Cindy....you are a brave and courageous woman to bring yourself up out of that awful hell hole of a dungeon! I'm glad to have the "real" Donna back. She was gone for far, far too long!